So, a Funny Thing Happened..

I have something really sweet to show and tell you about (it’s only great for me, so don’t get too excited). But that news flash is going to have to wait until tomorrow, because today I need to sit you all down and say,

“I am only joking about midwives being weird hippie pot smokers! They are actually fantastically brilliant (and remarkably forgiving) people.”

The former is true and the latter is my hope, because guess who found my blog (specifically the post entitled Midwives and Mary Jane)!


Here’s how they responded:

“Oh my gosh! Definitely not pot – one hundred percent. It is Moxa – an herb that Ana Easter – the acupuncturist down the hall uses. I had to laugh so hard when I read that (well, actually I felt alarmed too!) We’ve always wondered if people would think that!”

Anyway, it got me thinking. In my (hopefully successful) attempt at humor, I haven’t really raved about midwifery and why we’ve chosen that route for our new little singleton. I don’t think it is the right choice for everyone; after my necessary cesarean with the first set, and my epidural with the second set, I’m not nearly as “anti-medical” as I used to be. But the fact is that midwives are responsible for birthing most of the world’s healthiest babies.

I might find the smell of herbs a little “weird,” but I am also a big believer in herbal medicine. I very rarely take my kids to the doctor (and we frequent the herb and vitamin store), but I am thankful that doctors exist when we need them. I guess we haven’t really picked a side (medical vs. natural). We think both serve very important purposes (although I really wish someone would just give me a pill for these danged headaches!).

The bottom line: We’re using midwives with the little guy because they aren’t going to cut me open (a dangerous and largely unnecessary practice).

You’ve gotta respect that.

And the next time you think you smell an illegal substance, don’t blame the midwives. It’s probably the acupuncturist down the hall!

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6 thoughts on “So, a Funny Thing Happened..”

  1. i do wish i didn’t have to have c-sections, but i truly believe i would have died without modern intervention!! i am thankful for it, but wish it were another way for me!


  2. I think it just further echoes that every pregnancy and labor are different but that mom and baby’s health are the priority and whatever means necessary should be used to uphold that.I had a midwife with both of my pregnancies–I delivered in a hospital and had epidurals both times–and she was wonderful!


  3. thanks for checking out my little blog! my friend sent me a link to your’s a couple weeks ago and i enjoyed it so much i put you on my blogroll so i can keep up with your “kingdom”. you’re encouraging and really cute!and thanks for praying for my dear mom. šŸ™‚


  4. I used a doctor with my first child but used a midwife for #2, 3 and 4….and will be using one for numero cinco as well!They are incredible women and we have felt so blessed to have them as part of our birth experience.k


  5. It was a funny thing! Wait until your next appt. and you see all the signs posted! We all had a good, loud, hearty laugh about it after we told everyone that came through that door that it was Moxibustion!!Thanks for the tip! It turns out you weren’t the only one thinking that! Can’t wait to see you at your next appt…..


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