Raise Your Hand

{The original post was written in the summer of 2009. The bold text is new. Most of the advice is for me.}


If you’re afraid, don’t be. One of the most often repeated commandments in Scripture is “Fear not!” That doesn’t help? He knows it’s hard…that’s why He repeats Himself so often!

If you’ve ever “lost it” with your kids, repent and start over. And confess your failures to your bothers and sisters so they can lift you up!

If your marriage is in trouble, tell someone. Always. Find an appropriate person (pastor or mentor) and speak honestly and bravely about your struggles. Embarrassment has never healed anyone.

If you rarely have a quiet time, figure out how you can change that. Maybe the mornings aren’t possible for you, but maybe 2:30 in the afternoon is perfect. Get into the Word and read it…preferably from beginning to end. 

If you’re addicted to Diet Coke, just stop it. Try kombucha. Club soda and lime are nice with a little Stevia. So annoying, I know, but it’s totally true. That other stuff’ll kill ya!

If you are one person at church and another person at home, reexamine. Maybe everyone struggles with this to some extent, but I can tell you as someone who wears her brave face in public…not being 100% real is ex-haus-ting. If you don’t like who you are at home, work on fixing that person instead.

If you can’t remember the sermon from last week, find out why. This was my life story until I began to truly fall in love with the Word of God.

If you’re addicted to something you can’t joke about, confess your sins. It’s scary, but it’s how we’re healed.

If you could use a good cry, for Pete’s sake…cry. I think crying is good for the soul (and by “soul” I mean “complete person”).

If you don’t know how to say “no”, learn how to. Start slowly, and pick your battles. It’s good to be a servant, and we are supposed to lay down our lives…but not so that people will “like us”. Make sure you are serving Him when you’re serving them.

If you have stories you’ve never told, write them down. If they’re not worth remembering…burn them. If they are…share them with someone you love.

If you think “the real you” is unlovable, remember that the One who loved you enough to die for you has always seen the real you.

If you hate your body, change your diet. Put on some comfy, non-judgy clothes and get outside for a little while. Remember, the fact that your body is living is the reason you’re here to love the people around you. Thank Him for keeping you alive for today (and ask Him to please make ice cream taste bad).

If you want more than you need, volunteer at a shelter or write a check to someone in need. Getting might be fun, but you’ll keep on needing the “get” because it doesn’t fill the void. Giving, however, that’s life-changing.

If you need things you’ve never asked for, ask.

If you’re not “fine,” tell someone.

Is your hand up?

Now look around the room.

You’re not alone.

10 thoughts on “Raise Your Hand”

  1. Found you through the Multiples and More blog.And wow..great post. My hand is raised to MANY of those. Knowing that I'm not alone is what gets me through most days :-).Great blog by the way!


  2. My hand was up for wanting to cry, being addicted to diet coke, not being the same person at church ( because we dont go to church), loosing it with my child! Those are what I remember!What brought up this post?


  3. Erin,I actually KNOW it was something specific…something I was thinking about on my run. But I can't, for the life of me, remember what. If I do, I'll let you know. Good question.;)


  4. Awww, I think that is sad and strangely comforting at the same time to know that we are all struggling. If only we didn't feel like we had to keep it all inside.


  5. just re-reading some old posts and decided to share this one on my blog. it spoke to me the first time, and it spoke to me again tonight. good stuff!


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